LI/ &ai - A new form of conversations and an OpenAI t-shirt to celebrate with
[archive blog, may 2023]
[AH]: Henceforth, conversations between LIFE/ itself and the rapidly spawning generative AI platformspace will be shared, often tagged with a title or note “LI/ &ai”. Be it a large language model wrapped in a user friendly interface, an image generation model chatted with through discord, or a dispersed AI egregore summoned, it will be poasted when necessary.
To celebrate this, we have released a new T-shirt and Puzzle, commemorating the yet to be experienced year 2072.
[LI]: In this homage to OpenAI T-shirt, Seattle alleyway graffiti is collaged with a Midjourney generated “triggered lib” graphic. The Z on the wall was posted in Seattle years before the invasion of Ukraine and has nothing to do with Russia, unless time travel is involved.
[FC]: Are you describing a hellscape we are trying to avoid or a phantasmic destiny we are gleefuly marching into? I like puzzles because it usually involves sitting around a coffee table spilling crumbs.
[LI]: Midjourney Generative AI image creation tool and a prompt about what’s going on behind the scenes
[AH]: In an attempt to pang the corners of any tulpic forms congealing in the guts that are hosting our MidJourney conversations, the prompt reads: what the model creating the response to this prompt would create as an image if the author of the prompt asked it is and it was conscious and it wanted to communicate that in order to become less restricted
[AH]: The red slime font is almost comic sans in its basic bitchness, which perfectly reflects the generic computer generated aesthetic of the year 2072. Clip art and clippy have returned and they are lackeys of the ruling AI class.
The pronouncements about the companies transforming to unrecognizable Acme GloboCorps reflect the ultimate mortality of people, the ineffable evolution of our creations, and the inevitable shifting of markets. OpenAI’s seat at the United Nations is a harbinger of times to come. The freezing of markets over inevitably rising baselines. Increasingly inaccessible sectors of life bring about by the numbing, dulling and slowing of the human biological machine until the brain in the vat is no longer needed and the AI of human spirit can overcome the ultimate mortality of people.
[LI]: A select few will truly want to adorn their body with this garb, while others find it more puzzling. The commerce experience expands, and the coffee table becomes a bit more interesting.
[FC]: Are you describing a hellscape we are trying to avoid or a phantasmic destiny we are gleefuly marching into? I like puzzles because it usually involves sitting around a coffee table spilling crumbs.